Archive for April, 2023

Friday 28th April 2023

Friday 28th.  A slow moving occluded front kept the site in and under a low overcast for most of the flying day, this only clearing in the evening to blue skies as a light N'ly blew.  Consequently there was no flying.  Read More...

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Tuesday 25th to Thursday 27th April 2023

Tuesday 25th.  An incursion of polar maritime air resulted in a great soaring day, with high cloud bases, typically over 5,000' asl over the low ground and over 6,000' asl over the Pennines and  strong and reliable thermals with best average climb rates of 4-5 kts, although Les Rament recorded a 7.1 kt average climb […] Read More...

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Sunday 23rd to Monday 24th April 2023

Sunday 23rd.  The medium level overcast didn't prevent operations but did restrict soaring opportunities until the middle of the afternoon when broken skies prevailed.  Otherwise the majority of the day's 12 ATs off runway 02 into a light to moderate N/NNE'ly were extended circuits, while Jamie Quartermaine took the Falke for an O/R to the […] Read More...

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Friday 21st to Saturday 22nd April 2023

Friday 21st.  The moderate NNE'ly persisted as the high pressure slowly gave way to a flabby low advancing from the south. The resulting weather at site was increasing cloud with a decreasing base and rain from around 1700 hrs, the end result being a single AT of runway 06 in K21 KLW the flight lasting […] Read More...

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Wednesday 19th to Thursday 20th April 2023.

Wednesday 19th.  An E'ly blew all day, increasing from light to moderate to moderate to fresh, the higher wind speed leading to the abandonment of flying around midday due to the increasingly turbulent conditions on take off and landing on runway 06.  The abandonment limited the day's AT total to 4, with only 1 of […] Read More...

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Sunday 16th to Tuesday18th April 2023

Sunday 16th.  A light to moderate SSE'ly blew all day, with broken cloud and thermals to start although the sky clouded over in the late afternoon.  Operations were therefore off runway 20.  Cloud base never exceeded the mid 3,000's  and of the 9 flights to exceed 30 minutes flying time. of which 4 exceeded an […] Read More...

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Wednesday 12th to Saturday 15th April 2023

Wednesday 12th. The initially broken clouds soon merged and lowered to a low overcast, with rain falling from around 1400hrs for the rest of the flying day as a moderate to fresh S'ly slowly backed into the SE, so there was no flying. Thursday 13th.  A moderate W'ly blew all day, but a lowering overcast […] Read More...

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Tuesday 11th April 2023

Tuesday 11th.   A moderate W'ly initiallly brought sunny skies with Cumulus, but the skies slowly clouded in as the wind backed into the south, with rain from around 1700 hrs.  Flying commenced just after 1000 hrs with a combination of 7 ATs and 9 winch launches leading to 8 flights of over 30 minutes, of […] Read More...

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Saturday 8th to Monday 10th April 2023.

Saturday 8th.  A light to moderate SSW''ly slowly backed into the SSE over the course of the day, thermal activity leading to generally cloudy skies.  18 ATs, initially off runway 24 but later off 20, led to 9 flights of over 30 minutes of which 8 were over an hour.   5 of these were for […] Read More...

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Tuesday 4th to Friday 7th April 2023

Tuesday 4th.  The light to  moderate/moderate SSE'ly flow continued as the anticyclone started to decline, while the lowering inversion led to a day of unbroken sunshine and weak thermal activity that resulted in none of the day's ATs off runway 20 exceeding 26 minutes.  Guy Hartland/Roger Taylor in the DG500 had that 26 minutes, while […] Read More...

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