Archive for December, 2020

Saturday 19th to Monday 28th December 2020

Saturday 19th.   A moderate to fresh and gusty S'ly was accompanied by showers to there was no flying. Sunday 20th.  A light to moderate SW'ly that slowly backed into the S saw operations off runway 20 and some hill soaring,   There was an one foray up the main ridge to Boltby by K21 KLW, with […] Read More...

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Friday 18th December 2020.

Friday 18th.  An approaching depression led to a day of low cloud and heavy rain so there was no flying.  To cheer everybody up, I have included below some photos provided by John Carter from his wave flight with Dave McKinney in the DG500 yesterday.             Read More...

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Wednesday 9th to Thursday 17th December 2020

Wednesday 9th.  A moderate to moderate to fresh SE blew all day and although it was dry, the low overcast meant it was a no flying day. Thursday 10th.  A repeat of Wednesday in terms of weather and flying activity, ie a lot of in the case of the former and none in the case […] Read More...

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Thursday 3rd to Tuesday 8th December 2020

Thursday 3rd.  With low pressure centered over the UK, it was a day of low cloud and rain at low levels and snow for a time at site, some 6.1 mm of rain being recorded.  The light to moderate SE'ly slowly backed into the ENE but the conditions meant there was no flying. Friday 4th.  […] Read More...

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Wednesday 2nd December 2020

Wednesday 2nd.  The end of the 2nd period of lockdown in England due to Covid 19 meant flying could restart,  with North Yorkshire being under Tier 2 restrictions.  Initially, attendance at site was limited in both number and to solo pilots with the required currency, but it is hoped to extend to ab initio pilots […] Read More...

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