Archive for March, 2022

Monday 28th to Tuesday 29th March 2022.

Monday 28th.   A fragmented cold front brought low cloud and rain as the light SE'ly veered into the NW over the course of the day.  The cloud was low enough to engulf the site, so there was no flying. Tuesday 29th.  Another non-flying day due to low cloud as a trough moved south through Yorkshire, […] Read More...

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Sunday 27th March 2022

Sunday 27th.  The day was characterised by light winds from the ESE/SE and extensive, medium level cover that eventually became broken enough to allow some thermal formation in the late afternoon.  Flying up to that point had been of the up round and down variety with flight times at best into the mid 20 minutes.  […] Read More...

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Saturday 26th March 2022

Saturday 26th.  The centre of the high pressure  had drifted closer to the UK, so the winds at site were light, initially from an E'ly direction but later from a SSE'ly direction.  Accordingly, initial operations were off runway 06 with a change to 20 occurring around lunch time.  Compared to Friday, there was more general […] Read More...

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Wednesday 23rd to Friday 25th March 2022

Wednesday 23rd. Another hazy, sunny day as the anticyclone persisted, the wind now being a light S so operations were again off runway 20.   Aspiring Ass Cat candidates, Nigel Burke, Dave McKinney from YGC and Richard Slater from Pocklington continued to be put through their paces by visiting and YGC instructors, with Guy Hartland and […] Read More...

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Thursday 17th to Tuesday 22nd March 2022

Thursday 17th.  A initially moderate WSW/SW blew, increasing to moderate to fresh over the middle of the day, with the result that the launch method changed from AT to winch around 1300 hrs.  Lift was available via hill, thermal and for some, significant wave, with some cross countries flown. Chief among the latter were Khris […] Read More...

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Tuesday 15th to Wednesday 16th March 2021

Tuesday 15th.  A slowly approaching cold front brought high cover and a light to moderate SSE/S'ly wind, the high cover restricting thermal development, with the day's 24 ATs off runway 20 only generating 3 flights of over 30 minutes, the majority of flights being 20-27 minutes..   The 3 flights to exceed 30 minutes were all […] Read More...

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Saturday 12th March 2022

Saturday 12th.  Tom, our new office manager, quickly provided Saturday's log sheet so here is the report.  The moderate to fresh S'ly meant operations off runway 20, with the Eurofox replaced by the Pawnee after 2 tows due to the windy conditions.  Overnight rain, which lasted until 0900 hrs, delayed the start of flying until […] Read More...

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Saturday 12th to Monday 14th March 2021

Saturday 12th.  A moderate to moderate to fresh S'ly blew all day giving some lift on the southern ridge along with thermal activity.  I have not yet received the day's log sheet so a more detailed report will follow shortley. Sunday 13th.  A slow moving occluded front draped along the east coast of the UK […] Read More...

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Monday 7th to Friday 11th March 2022

Monday 7th.  A sunny start to the day soon disappeared as a medium level overcast spread in on an moderate ESE'ly.  17 AT's  were flown off runway 20, the majority being to 1500' QFE or below as the cloud base lowered or pilots took advantage of low cost ATs behind the Eurofox.    In the […] Read More...

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Saturday 5th to Sunday 6th March 2022

Saturday 5th.  A gusty and at times fresh N'ly wind with showers meant it was a non-flying day. Sunday 6th.  The wind had veered into the ENE and decreased to light to moderate, so a full day's flying resulted, operations being primarily off runway 02, although 06 was used occasionally.  The anticyclonic conditions led to […] Read More...

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