Archive for April, 2017

Addendum to Sunday 2nd plus Thursday 6th April

Addendum/Sunday 2nd.  Congratulations are due to George Claydon who successfully soloed  on Sunday and is pictured below with instructor John Marsh under some sunny skies. Thursday 6th.  The resident anticyclone brought blue skies, a light to moderate WNW'ly flow and relatively weak thermals, restricted in altitude to around 3,000' asl.  However, the conditions encouraged 6 […] Read More...

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Wednesday 29th March to Tuesday 4th April 2017

Wednesday 29th.  A light to moderate S'ly accompanying some weak fronts which slowly made progress eastwards, kept the site in cloud for some of the day and subject to on and off periods of light rain, with 2.7 mm of this falling during 'flying hours', thus turning them into 'non-flying' hours. Thursday 30th.  A initially […] Read More...

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