Wednesday July 26th – Thursday July 27th 2017
Posted: 28/07/2017 11:01
Three seasons in a day: Torrential rain in the morning, lighter rain in the afternoon and a west wind with bright skies later on. Flying eventually got under way at 5pm to enable the Glide Britain team to get ridge running action shots. Along with a team member in the Lasham K21, John Tayler and John Carter, flying the YGC K21s, provided exciting footage with increasingly low and fast runs along the edge in close formation. Very impressive too. At the end of all this Toby Wilson took advantage of an available K21 and tug to fly solo for 15 mins or so, albeit at more "sensible" speeds and heights.
It was made clear at briefing that any member trying to emulate the exploits of the previous evening would incur the full wrath of the flying staff! The forecast for rain interruptions due to heavy showers proved to be accurate but a brisk west wind with some thermal activity later on did allow 18 flights in the DG1000 and both K21s most of which were around the half hour mark. Happily this provided the course members with a couple of flights each and time in the air. In addition Will flew the trial lesson customers who had turned up in spite of the iffy forecast. There was a single soaring flight in the DG303 and a couple in Astir KRN making its first appearance on the line after work done at Yorkshire Sailplanes.
The Glide Britain team left Sutton Bank later in the day to continue their project at Rufforth. Lets hope the end product achieves its aim of promoting our sport to a wider audience.
Finally its good to congratulate John Carter on completing his MGPL during the day. He has just one more hurdle to jump before he joins the list of motor glider instructors and that should be very soon.
This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.