Wednesday 28th September 2022

Posted: 29/09/2022 09:54

Wednesday 28th.  A generally cloudy and cool day, as after early brightness, the cloud thickened and lowered, with rain arriving towards the end of the afternoon.  4 ATs were flown, all in K21 JVZ, the first off runway 24 and the remainder off runway 02, as a light to moderate NNW'ly wind blew.  The lack of any useable lift meant that flights were of the up, round and down variety, with the longest of 23 minutes, by visitors R Emms/S Naisby, owing much to a tow to 3,000' QFE, with the 3 others averaging 18 minutes off tows to 2,000' QFE.  

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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