Wednesday 24th November 2021

Posted: 25/11/2021 14:20

Wednesday 24th.  A light to moderate SW'ly veered into the NNW later in the day as 13 ATs were flown from runway 24.  Blue skies predominated and with smooth air and  good visibility, the day's 2 First Flight pupils had every reason to enjoy their introduction to gliding. Two seater flying was the order of the day, although Laurie Clark had a 17 minute flight in the Astir and Andy Evans had 25 minutes flying K21 JVZ solo, the second  longest flight of the day.  The longest flight lasted 30 minutes with David Campbell and Roger Taylor being the pilots in JVZ, while Guy Hartland and Jesper Mjels had 24 minutes in the same glider. 

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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