Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Posted: 03/07/2024 13:11

Tuesday 2nd.  A light  WNW'ly blew all day with generally cloudy skies, the day's 14 ATs off runway 24 producing 3 flights of over 30 minutes with 1 over an hour.  The light winds meant runways 20 and 02 were also used for landing, while the 2 private owners who launched had very dissimilar outcomes.  Steve Thompson in his Ventus bt retreated to the main bowl ridge after release but with an operating height of only 400-600' QFE landed after 21 minutes.  Bob Calvert in his Discus 2ct contacted a thermal after his release and this plus a couple of engine burns and a number of thermals enabled him to proceed westwards to the Pateley Bridge area where some weak wave took him to 6,500' asl.  A cloud climb then took him to 8,300' asl 6 km SSE of Masham with Bob returning to the Pateley Bridge area before landing back at Sutton after 4 hours.  Meanwhile, at site Dave McKinney gave one of the day's First Flight pupils 45 minutes in K21 KLW maintaining 2,800-3,400' asl in thermal, while off the last flight of the day, Toby Wilson/Steve Kirk had 40 minutes in KLW hill soaring up to High Paradise farm and then the main bowl at 600'-800' QFE.    

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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