Thursday 23rd to Friday 24th September 2021
Posted: 25/09/2021 19:34
Thursday 23rd. The depression remained to the N of Scotland so it was again a day of moderate W'lies but skies were much cloudier and at flying height the wind was a strong NW'ly making cross country flying more difficult. However, with hill lift and wave available it was again a day of good soaring and good climbs. The longest distance flown on the day was by Andy Wright in his Nimbus 3, a 133km task around Masham, Barnard Castle and Ripon, including a climb to just under 10,000' asl, progress beyond Barnard Castle being difficult due to the unorganised nature of the lenticulars. Albert and Martin Newbery in their DG1000 also turned Masham and Ripon as well as visiting Boroughbridge, like Andy climbing to around 10,000' asl. The best climb of the day saw Martyn Johnson take his DG600 up to around 11,400' asl while Derek Smith took returning First Flight pupil S Guy to just over 10,000' asl in K21 JVZ. As well as the above flights, a further 4 climbed to over 6,500' asl, these being Clive Swain in his Kestrel, 8,200', Laurie Clarke in the DG303, 8,000', Ian McFarlane with Day Course pupil, B Skaife, 6,800' and Fred Brown and John Forrester, 6,700' asl in K21 KLW. Long duration flights were also the order of the day with Clive Swain's 5:11 in his Kestrel being the longest, and 8 of the day's 13 ATs off runway 24 being longer than an hour. This list included both of S Scaife's flights with Ian McFarlane in K21 KLW to give him 2:40 in total on another good wave day at Sutton.
Friday 24th. Operational difficulties meant the club was closed for club flying, but with the moderate W'ly still blowing Jesper Mjels self launched in his DG400 around 1400 hrs and returned some 5:12 later having climbed to around 12,000'. However, I was not able to access his trace to determine where he went.
This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.