Sunday 30th July 2017

Posted: 30/07/2017 21:17

We started the day expecting significant rain showers with possible some thunder clouds later on, but it proved to be less dramatic than forecast, although we did receive 5mm of the wet stuff in several heavy showers.


Unfortunately, the DG500 suffered a puncture that was not repairable today, but despite this the three other gliders of the two-seater fleet and our instructors still managed to cope with the training demands, including ten "first flights".  Visibility improved throughout the day, although the thermal activity led to very boisterous air at times.


Several pilots reported encountering consistent 9-knot thermals, although at infrequent intervals.


No-one has reported any lengthy cross-countries from the sixteen aero-tow, six winch and one self-launch flights.  Neither were any significant wave-encounters reported, so I don't have to mention "Greater Yorkshire" again!


The longest private owner flight was by Martyn Johnson at 3:35, closely followed by John Ellis at 3:26, whilst club aircraft flying was headed-up by Tom Dale and Mark Newburn in a K21 (1:40) and by Colin Troise in the DG1000 (solo) with 1:14.


Flying finished at 17:32, just in time to pack the club gear away before the next large shower struck.




This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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