Saturday 18th to Sunday 19th 2021

Posted: 19/09/2021 20:08

Saturday 18th.  A light to moderate SW'ly blew all day with flying getting underway off runway 20 around 1030 hrs and continuing until the last landing around 1810, 33 ATs being flown.  Cumulus blossomed during the morning with conditions becoming soarable late morning and soaring continued until around 1630 hrs by which time 17 flights had exceeded 30 minutes with 7 of these over an hour.  In spite of these apparently favourable conditions,  none of the 7 private owners who launched went cross country, the furthest anyone went was to Black Hambledon, this by Duncan Pask in his LS10 in a flight of just over an hour.  Darren Lodge in his LS8-18 had the longest flight of the day, just over 3 hours, with John Marsh in his DG303 having just over 2 hours, while Andy Wilson, flying his Skylark 4, had 1:30.  Andy wasn't the only person to fly a vintage glider, as Les Rayment had 2 flights in his T21, Richard and Anne Walker being his P2s.  While most of the > 1 hour flights were by private owners, Adam Sayer  had 1:16 in the Astir and Fred Brown and Amelia Forrester had exactly an hour in K21 JVZ, with Sarah Stubbs almost joining them with 57 minutes on her second flight in the Astir.

Sunday 19th.  A dire weather forecast of a long period of rain with potential thunderstorms led to a decision on Saturday to scrub Sunday  so there was no flying.  However, in the event a brief period of rain around lunchtime was all that fell, with the afternoon eminently flyable.  

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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