Monday 31st July 2017
Posted: 31/07/2017 16:49
A day of frequent, and sometimes heavy showers, saw twelve flights in club aircraft only.
The longest flight for a club two-seater was 36 mionutes, by John Taylor and Ken Duxbery. Alan Beaumont and KRN took the honours for the single-seaters with 52 minutes, closely followed by Toby Wilson in the other Astir at 49 minutes.
We welcomed Matt Currie, a new member, who had his first instructional flight with Richard Maskell in a K21.
There were four first flights, all flown by Will Blackburn, who managed to find some wave, tightly S-turning in a short beat near Boltby, in the company of Ann Ainsworth, and climbed 1500' to 5200 QNH. His last flight with Keith Mawson was curtailed when Keith's wife remarked to a member that she had seen lightning from an approaching cloud; the resulting radio message triggered an immediate precautionary landing! The kit was packed away prior to the rain arriving (without any flashing and banging).
Our thanks to John Tayler, who stepped in at short notice to run the airfield.
This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.