Monday 23rd August
Posted: 24/08/2021 14:21
Monday 23rd. An anticyclone over the UK brought a day of sunny periods, a light NE'ly wind and convection, resulting in 7 soaring flights out of the 22 flown off runway 02. The longest flight by far, 3:46, sawBill Payton fly his DG1000 solo around a 187 km task, with TPs at Goole NE, Pontefract and Masham, with a maximum altitude of just under 4,000' asl. The only other flight of over an hour was done locally, as Clive Swain and Amelia Forrester had 1:04 in K21 JVZ, with Paul Bulmer, the only other private owner to launch, getting close, with 51 minutes in his Libelle as he soared locally. Amelia's father, John, also had his first flight in a glider for a very long time, having 30 minutes with Paul Whitehead in the DG500, and later had a second flight with Clive in the same glider. Others to have 30 minutes or more included Clive and Duncan Pask, 34 minutes, Clive and Dan McLean, 33 minutes, and Dick Cole and Ben Haslam, 31 minutes, all in either JVZ or the DG500. The irregular availability of lift during the day can be gauged by the fact that the only 2 flights in club single seaters, by Colin Troise in the DG303 and Andy Tyas in the Discus, resulted in flights of <20 minutes.
This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.