Friday 8th March 2024

Posted: 09/03/2024 12:52

Friday 8th   A moderate E'ly blew all day continuing to bring in an overcast from the North Sea that initially was high enough to allow flying to start around 1120 hrs, with Clive Swain taking the 1st of the day's two First Flight pupils for a flight in K21 JVZ off runway 06.  This flight lasted 18 minutes as the result of finding some weak lift over the gulley just to the east of the site that allowed Clive to maintain 8-900' QFE for a while.  The next flight with Clive/Paul Steer, again in JVZ, was restricted in release height due to the lowering cloudbase, the flight's 15 minute duration helped by finding some lift just to the SE of site that resulted in a brief 400' climb.  Flying terminated for the day after the next two 10 minute flights with the day's 2nd First Flight pupil as the cloudbase continued to lower restricting release to around 1,400 QFE.   

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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