Friday 14h June to Saturday 15th 2024
Posted: 16/06/2024 12:02
Friday 14th A moderate SW'ly brought in low cloud and bits and pieces of rain so flying didn't get underway until early afternoon and then only in the Falke due to the low cloud base,. with Bruce Grain taking 4 of the Durham University GC students for a flight. However, the weather then improved with Bob Calvert in his Discus 2t and Dean Crosby in his LS10t taking ATs from runway 24 around1515 hrs. Bob used thermal to get to the area between Catterick and Leyburn via Tontine and then used his engine to try to contact wave. A climb to 6,000' asl resulted with some wave activity, but this was not consistent with the result that altitude could be maintained rather than increased. Bob then returned to site via the Masham area but on a marginal final glide ran into an evening thermal that provided a climb and a more relaxed arrival back at Sutton, landing at 1950 hrs. Dean's flight is a little more difficult to ascertain due to the intermittent nature of is Flarm trace, this indicating he climbed to 5,000' in thermal and flew out to the Leyburn area in company with Bob, with a return to Sutton after a flight of just under 3 hours.
Saturday 15th. Early morning brightness soon disappeared as a light to moderate NNW'ly brought in increasing and lowering cloud and rain from early afternoon, the wind backing into the W. Flying was therefore limited to 2 morning flights in the Falke.
This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.